Very exciting to set up the blog and all the links. I’ve met some amazing people the past 3 years. So much passion and sharing ideas on creating opportunities for Aboriginal youth to lead healthy active lives.

Last week, I attended the NAN Indoor Games in Thunder Bay. Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) represents 49 First Nation communities in northern Ontario. Such energy and determination by these young athletes. The team from Sandy Lake travelled 15 hours over the ice roads to attend!

I also had the honour of talking to 4x Olympic cross country skier, Sharon Firth. She, along with her twin sister Shirley, who passed away after a battle with cancer in 2013, were among the 1st Aboriginal athletes to represent Canada in the Olympics.

At the Games, I talked to 4 First Nations communities who were all interested in bike programs for their youth. That’s the most exciting part of this journey, building sustainable programs that will have a long lasting impact.

Check out the Route. 7000 km starting on June 21 in Inuvik, National Aboriginal Day. Exciting days ahead!

Cheers, Don
